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Payment methods

After selecting the products, you have several payment options:

  • Payments to the account:
    When you buy a part in the HC Parts online store, you will receive an e-mail with the account number and the title of the transfer. The order will be processed when the payment is credited to our account.

    If you do not receive the e-mail, please make the payment to the following account number:

    Santander Bank Polska S.A.
    al. Jana Pawła II 17, 00-854 Warszawa
    Numer rachunku: 09109025900000000131678499
    W tytule prosimy o podanie numeru zamówienia.

  • Payments with Tpay:

    Tpay means full security of your payments in the Internet and a guarantee of fast online purchases!
    It has an extended license of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, which guarantees transaction security.

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